Sunday, December 23, 2007

Nadia Elise and Dad Talking 12/15/2007

So this may be one of those things we look back on and giggle at how proud of parents we are, but at 6 weeks and 3 days, Nadia has begun looking into our eyes, smiling, and "coo'ing" back at us. It's just so precious. This did a daddy in for sure. It's all I can do to not just give her the world and then some. Enjoy the videos...they aren't really bright, but well worth the watch :-)

Nadia Elise's First Night In Her Crib 12/14/2007

So who knew that something as little as 50 feet could cause a stir of such emotions. Nadia had been sleeping in a bassinet in our room since we brought her home, since her nursery is upstairs and Nikki needed at least 6 weeks before she personally tackled climbing the stairs several times a day. We PRAISE GOD, as Nikki was given a perfectly clean bill of health at her 6 week check up with her doctor. What this meant for us was that it was time to move Nadia Elise on up to her nursery. So at 6 weeks and 2 days old, Nadia spent her first night up in her nursery. Such a precious moment watching her discover her mobile for the first time...she loves it. Nikki and I both did really well. The only noticeable thing was our desire to assure that the baby video monitor was on at all times, and when the video would turn itself off to preserve the battery and default to sound-only mode, we would immediately reach down and tap that video button and watch sweet little Nadia Elise sleep. After only a couple of days, we have now progressed to only turn the video on when we hear that she might actually need us. Here are two videos for you to enjoy :-)

Nadia Elise's First Bath 12/06/2007

I can't remember the last time I smiled from ear to ear with such joy and laughed with my family and friends over something quite as simple as a bath. It's times like these that just put a smile on your face. Nadia Elise must have gotten her affinity for pampering and a long warm bath from her mother. You'll really enjoy this video clip as Nadia Elise lays back in complete relaxation while she enjoys being pampered during her first bath. I'm so Thankful that the Lord has blessed us with this sweet child to remind us daily of the hope that we find in seeing His mercy and grace through such everyday things...yes even a bath. Enjoy the video clip :-)

Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving Day 2007 and Nadia Elise Lanning's First Bottle

We have so much to be thankful for this year, as we do every year. From celebrating Thanksgiving Day with Nadia Elise for the first time, to sharing a very special day with our Nashville family...the Elliott's, to a great game of dominoes, to watching Iona and Nadia as they learn more about their surroundings, to Nadia enjoying her first bottle...this Thanksgiving Day was very special in how the Lord allowed us to see his amazing grace and sovereignty over many generations. Nikki and I both celebrate in knowing that the Lord has trusted us to be stewards with Nadia as she learns about God's love for her and His sovereign plan.

Nadia is growing so much everyday. Really starting to respond to external stimuli and visually observe her surroundings. At 2.5 weeks she has already reached 8lbs 4oz and is measuring at 50% in weight, head, and height (20.25"). Nadia also experienced her first bottle today and took to it like a champ. I have to say that as a father, this was a special time for me to share with Nadia (I can only imagine to bond Nikki and Nadia share) and an extremely special moment knowing that I can play a major role in helping Nikki gain some much needed rest.

Check out Nadia Elise enjoying her first bottle.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Nadia Elise Enjoying Playtime with Grandma Lanning

Check out Nadia Elise enjoying playtime with Grandma Lanning.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Nadia Elise's First Time On Her Belly (One Week Birthday)

Check out Nadia Elise enjoying her first round of tummy time on her One Week Birthday!!!

Nadia Elise's First Time In Her Papasan Swing

Nadia Elise truly enjoying her first ride in her Papasan Swing.